Jesus said IAM the WAY and the TRUTH and the LIFE John 14:6 and he excludes every other person, religion theory, system or creed.
 So who do YOU say that Jesus is  as he said in the gospel of Mark 8:27-30 

Is there any confusion on the true identity of Jesus of Nazareth? 
What did they think  in the past?  What do people say NOW? 
Most relevant for the visitor to this site is to answer the question each individual that breathes today must answer, "What do they have to do with him?"
"Do they know he is the Hope of Israel?"
"Was he the first Christian?" Trick question the answer is NO!
Then who is this expected Messiah? and why are most of those who follow him Gentiles (non-Jews) ?
Can we only have "head knowledge" about who Jesus was, will that vindicate us on the day of Judgement? FAR FROM IT. That knowledge of who he said he was, without acting upon it will serve as a declaration of judgment against the one who can answer intellectually the questions correctly.
In fact the bible says unless this awareness of his claims does not radically inform their life decisions and does not love this brother 1 John 4:20  does not actually love God
John 3:16-18, 3:36 God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whoever believes in him will not perish but HAVE eternal life!  The following few sentences describe we all are headed for God's wrath against sin.
God's love does not tolerate a desire to remain in our current state of rebellion against his law. This same law expresses how set apart and holy he God is.  He is not like the swami's or other " prophets & saviors" that have led religious movements.  God is unique: Known and introduced to civilization by  Moses and the Hebrew people.   Yes the same God prophesied their would be a prophet that  he will put words in the mouth of this prophet and those who do not heed them will be called to account Deut. 18:15-19
That prophet( Jesus) was born God with us Matt 1:23 .
  The one who will save his people from theirs sins,  but not only their sins but be the savior of the world  John 4:41-42  , repeated again here 1 John 2:2
Instead we must make a commitment to loyalty to trusting in Jesus's credentials as the Son of God and personal Lord and savior Romans 10:9-13WARNING  verbal profession without sincerity will prove out that person is a liar.   Each person who  is called by God himself and by truly placing their confidence in Christ's death and resurrection as the perfect sacrifice has been freed  from bondage to the sin he loves and will be given a new heart (spirit). The one who merely feigns a "religious experience"  may not be found out in this life however Jesus the Good  Shepherd knows his own sheep most importantly they are known by the Lord himself  John 10:11 John 10:14 click on the link to read the surrounding verses, this is called context so that we get the true understanding of what the author intends us to learn big picture.
Yes the gospel describes hypocritical people who call out to the Lord  merely professing their service  was done in his name and to those he will say , "Away from me you evildoers I never knew you. Matthew 7:23 .
Can you imagine being an "uptight religious fanatic" your entire life and still be rejected by the God you professed to serve? That is the mistake of trying to live a good life without God himself!  As a ship pulls out from the dock WE ALL  are either going to have to get on board the boat or watch it sail away, WE can't keep both one foot on  the dock and the other in the boat.   The one who attempts to wade in the water will eventually drown without rescue. 
Enough metaphor-- each person either responds to the call to come to their master.  If that word "master" is offensive to some  it may no longer  be offensive if the person truly knows how good of a king they serve .  Perhaps the most popular rebellion is refusing to yield to God BUT instead being our own ruler/king /"god" and serve our desires. The  larger message of scripture is all people are serving someone, it is just a matter of who we are going to serve.  
So who do you say that Jesus is? Does your lives attitudes and actions  match your answer?  If not there is a certain way to make sure you are in sync with God's will is to be born from above and allow God to transform your repentant heart and give you new life.  Not make a bad person good, nor make a good person better but to give life to the DEAD and give this person new desires and the power to follow those same desires to live in fellowship with God  being declared righteous before God while trusting in Jesus' sacrifice of his life.  Who willingly endured the wrath of God which WE are all under.  Who among us is too proud to admit they need such deliverance, or  foolish enough to  refuse it?